Here it is, finally!
After what feels like AGES, the new Fooditarian Ventures Blog and Happy Belly Baker website are up and running! This was certainly a labor of love, emphasis on labor LOL Apparently my indecisiveness extends far beyond an inability to pick where I want to eat...I mean, picking out fonts, layouts, color schemes. It was hard work, you guys!
Many of you may have been following along with my foodie adventures on my instagram, Fooditarian_Ventures. Some of you may have recently found yourself tasked with being my recipe testers. Maybe you're brand new here. Regardless, thank you for coming!
This website is allowing me to do three things...
*Expand Fooditarian Ventures into a full-fledged blog where I can provide more in depth reviews of restaurants I visit and more detailed summaries of recipes I share with you. Don't worry, the instagram page will continue to "highlight" my foodie adventures. You will just be given a link to this blog if you want the details!
**House all of the personal recipes shared on my instagram in one place for easy reference!
***Follow my dreams of making sweet treats for you all to enjoy through my new "day job", The Happy Belly Baker! Navigate over to the "GOODIE" page to see all the delicious treats I am currently offering!
Whether you're here to read along in my adventures, gain some new recipe ideas, or feed your sweet tooth (or all 3!), WELCOME. And THANK YOU. You just being here is allowing me to follow my dreams and I am beyond grateful :)
